The world wide web is a crucial tool in today’s world, with endless information and platforms available to help us achieve even the simplest tasks. For as much assistance and entertainment the Internet brings us, it can also be a dangerous, uncharted mystery filled with hackers, viruses, and more. Internet Monitoring is a solution to not only protect your technology but yourself.
So what tasks does internet monitoring actually include? First and foremost it can enhance the security of your firewall so any requests that might lead to unwanted contentare blocked off before they can even get into your system. It will also be easier for you to monitor what files are being downloaded and stored on the web if they are desired or wanted in your computer or not.
If you have children or teens that you want to keep an eye on internet monitoring makes it possible to check any web activity in the house. Any connection attempts to your server, whether it is from a recognized system, or a foreign one, will also be reported. The last perk to monitoring is the ability to check your servers health to make sure it is running as expected.
Ask an employee at Central Alarm about the Network Monitoring option if you think it will be beneficial in your home.