We’ve all heard or seen the stories of people stealing packages right off the porches of homes. According to the most recent statistics, more than 5.5 million larceny thefts were reported across the country.  With nearly 8 out of 10 people shopping regularly online, it’s easy to guess that package theft is rising.  Based on country-wide statistics, the number of thefts has risen 13% over last year.

What can you do to protect yourself?

Doorbell Cameras

Central Alarm offers the same high end doorbell cameras that you can order from any alarm system found online or national alarm company.  These are a part of our standard recommended security packages that add both convenience and security to your front porch.  Thieves are far less likely to strike homes that clearly indicate that they are recording what occurs in front of their door.

Visible Exterior Cameras

You can also take steps to stop this from happening by adding video surveillance cameras to your home that are visible and easy to spot for those that get near the home.  These not only make it more daunting for would-be thieves to steal from you, but it also increases the overall security of your property for those that might look to break into the home.

Let the Local Professionals Help You Today

Central Alarm can give your home or business a completely free security audit and quote to determine what you can do to dramatically increase the security of your home.  If you haven’t look at many of these modern solutions, it might surprise you how many tools are at your disposal and how affordable it really is.  Give us a call today and we would love to help you in any way we can.

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